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White House Kids News


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White House Kids News WHKN

WHKNews is an informative child-friendly news show that educates children about the White House’s role in the presidency and country. WHKN’s audience, geared towards the little ones, sees first-hand the presidential family’s activities and the president’s decisions to serve the nation.

Why Is WHKN Important?

How did it all start?

Who should watch WHKN?

Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place.


About Us

Tune in on the “White House Kid’s News” (WHKN), the informative child-friendly news show that educates children about the White House’s role in the presidency and country. WHKN’s audience, geared towards the little ones, sees first-hand the First Family’s activities and the critical decisions the President makes as the leader of the nation.

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